at the GYMC

Bella Serata 2014


Bella Serata 2014  The beautiful evening at the GYMC on November 15 dazzles the crowd and raises over $9000 for the GYMC. Some of Guelph’s finest restaurants and caterers offered samples of their best food at the GYMC’s annual fundraising gala. Wine, beer and non-alcoholic beverages were available to quench people’s thirst and mellow their mood. The stage of the …

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Solar Panels

Solar Panels Campaign


40 solar panels on our roof to assist in powering the future but we need your help to pay for them. These panels will help to reduce CO2 emission, reduce stress on electricity distribution and increase efficiency, as well as set an empowering example for future generations. “This project has been in the works for many, many months,” commented Gabriella …

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Angela Hewitt

Champagne Gala & Evening with Angela Hewitt


Champagne Gala & Evening with Angela Hewitt  We are truly indebted to internationally-renowned pianist Angela Hewitt who generously performed a benefit recital in support of the GYMC. The full house in the GYMC Recital Hall was thrilled by Angela’s brilliant performance which was filled with musical colour and virtuosity as well as deeply beautiful musicality. Thank you, Angela. And thank you …

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Guelph Youth Symphony Orchestra

Guelph Youth Symphony Orchestra wins 1st Prize


Guelph Youth Symphony Orchestra wins 1st Prize Congratulations to the GUELPH YOUTH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA and conductor Chris Cigolea for winning FIRST PLACE in the Senior Community Symphony Orchestra class of the 2014 Ontario Music Festival Association PROVINCIAL FINALS. GYSO is operated as a partnership between the GYMC andGuelph Symphony Orchestra.

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Windjammers A Centre of Top Pops Thursday, June 5, 2014 at 7:30pm GYMC Recital Hall An open rehearsal with BIG BAND SOUND! 

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GYSO Slogan

GYSO The Rhapsody of Spring Concert


GYSO The Rhapsody of Spring Concert  Friday, May 23 at 7:30 pm  Harcourt Memorial United Church 87 Dean Avenue, Guelph Chris Cigolea (conductor) with special guest soloists William Franklyn Leathers (piano) & Mary Margaret Annab (cello)

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Karen Haack

Wall of Famer 2014


Wall of Famer 2014 On Sunday, April 27 at 3 pm, as part of the spring concert of the Suzuki String School of Guelph at the River Run Centre at 3 pm, Karen Haack will be named to the Guelph Youth Music Centre Wall of Fame. The Wall of Fame honours individuals whose career or volunteer activities have contributed significantly to …

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Ontario Trillium Foundation Cheque Presentation

Trillium Grant Presentation


Ontario Trillium Foundation Grant Presentation MPP Liz Sandals presents the GYMC with an Ontario Trillium Foundation plaque on Wednesday April 23, 2014. The OTF has awarded the GYMC a 2-year grant of $109,700 to be spent on marketing and raising the profile of the centre throughout the city. The GYMC is grateful to the OTF, and hopes to make good use …

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Bob Emerson Tribute Concert Poster

Cambridge Concert Band Tribute


Cambridge Concert Band Tribute The late Bob Emberson was inducted to the GYMC’s Wall of Fame in 2013. The Cambridge Concert Band paid tribute to Bob in a special concert on Sunday March 30 at 3 pm at the Royal Canadian Legion #126, 334 Westminster Dr, Cambridge.

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