40 solar panels on our roof to assist in powering the future but we need your help to pay for them. These panels will help to reduce CO2 emission, reduce stress on electricity distribution and increase efficiency, as well as set an empowering example for future generations.
“This project has been in the works for many, many months,” commented Gabriella Currie-Ziegler, Executive Director of the Guelph Youth Music Centre. “We are doing this to sustain energy for the GYMC, as well as set a good example for the many children and visitors who come to the Centre on a daily basis.”
The GYMC was approved for a full 10kW MicroFIT solar system by Ontario Power Authority (OPA) this year. The installation will be conducted by Guelph Solar Mechanical Inc., who designs custom systems that are built for the long-term. Its mission is to empower people to make reliable investments and help the planet. Read the Media Release.
Light Up the Solar Panels at the GYMC
The GYMC has installed 40 solar panels on its roof to help create a better environment for our future.
Our fundraising goal is $45,000 to pay for the panels, and we need your help! Just $20 supports a solar cell.
You or your organization are invited to help us EMPOWER THE FUTURE. 
$20 per solar cell. Your name will be acknowledged on our web site. Tax receipt upon request.
$100 per set of six cells. Your name will be acknowledged on our web site. Tax receipt. End of the month recognition on our Facebook page. Name listed on a plaque to be posted at the GYMC.
Multiples of $100 per set of six cells from $200 to $1000. Your name will be acknowledged on our web site. Tax receipt. End of the month recognition on our Facebook page. Name listed on a plaque to be posted at the GYMC.
$1,500 per solar panel. Your name will be acknowledged on our web site with logo & link if a company. Tax receipt. End of the month recognition on our Facebook page. Separate plaque to be posted at the GYMC. Invitation to special Champagne & Strawberry Garden Party
in summer 2015.
$5,000. Your name will be acknowledged on our web site with logo & link if a company. Tax receipt. End of the month recognition on our Facebook page. Separate plaque to be posted at the GYMC. Invitation to special Champagne & Strawberry Garden Party in summer 2015. Recognition in media releases, advertising & newsletter. Two tickets to special events at the GYMC for a year.
It’s easy to DONATE NOW through the CanadaHelps web site. When you donate, be sure to select Solar Panel.
SHINE $1500
Robert & Viginia Gillham
GLOW $100
Daphne Hugues
Jeji Vorghese
Janet Wood
James & Anne Shute
Gordon & Gail Lange
Gary Rogers
Ken Gee
Sharon Brown
David Evenchick
Lorraine & Terry Gillespie
Helen Hansen
Grace Evans
Jacquelin Johnson
Valerie Morse
Walter & Joyce Johnson
Bob Desautels
Jim Adam (Cushings)
Marlene Siverns
Ken Dardano
Merle Griffin
Heather Fleming
Guelph Rotary G – Trillium
Dr. Gene S. Shelp
Janet Kimpton