NEW GYMC Online Course… Music is a Language

The Guelph Youth Music Centre (GYMC) is offering a NEW Online Course… Music is a Language.
Led by GSO/GYSO Conductor Al Cannon, this interactive course provides a hands-on version of the written and oral language of music, commonly referred to as music theory. Students play their instruments at every session! Students will immediately apply their new knowledge to their playing, with absorption, skills, and playing habits reinforced from twice-a-week online sessions.
Young students who can identify pitches on their music staff and know basic rhythms are invited to join the first Beginner-level online classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 to 6:45 pm, beginning January 19th. The registration deadline is Monday, January 18th at 12 pm.
Intermediate and Advance level courses begin later, as well as other sessions with all three levels.
For more information and to register, visit