On March 3, 2013, boys with their toys were 30 feet in the air installing LED lighting.
With the help of a lift machine, brave and hardy volunteers (Paul White, Ken Finlay and Terry Gillespie) replaced incandescent floodlights above the Recital Hall stage area with new fixtures using high-efficiency LED lights. The Recital Hall is a popular venue for concerts, plays and rehearsals, and the 12-year-old lighting has been unreliable and not always bright enough.
We are changing from 50 watt Halogen to 9 watt LED light bulbs, partly to save on hydro costs, but also to reduce the maintenance. Because the lighting is two floors above the floor, maintenance is quite a chore and not done as often as desirable. It may be several weeks or even months before blown bulbs are replaced, during which time the light on the stage gets dimmer.
Our musicians will be able to see properly again, maintenance will be greatly reduced, and we will be saving electricity!
We are also changing the bulbs used in our EXIT signs. The old bulbs may seem small, but they are on 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. There are 2 bulbs per an EXIT sign and there are 18 EXIT signs being upgraded. Do the math and they consume 3,154 units of electricity a year.
Our retrofit program is partly funded by Save On Energy which is funded by Ontario and administered locally by Guelph Hydro.