at the GYMC

July 17, 2024

Samantha Zimmerman steps down as Executive Director of the Guelph Youth Music Centre

The Guelph Youth Music Centre shares the news of Samantha Zimmerman’s departure as its Executive Director with mixed emotions. 

Ms. Zimmerman joined the GYMC in January 2023, as the Centre was recovering from closures during the pandemic. She and the Board of Directors set out to aggressively rebuild GYMC activities, focusing on increasing program offerings to meet the diverse needs of the Guelph community, growing and building collaborative relationships with fellow community organizations, and improving our overall operations and financial position. 

During her tenure at the GYMC, Ms. Zimmerman and the administrative team have implemented strategic changes by modernizing and digitizing operations to improve financial management. The new and highly successful Youth Concert Series brought A Sharon, Lois & Bram Singalong with Sharon & Randi and Fay & Fluffy: Drag Storytime and Singalong to the GYMC. Ms. Zimmerman has also been instrumental in the renegotiations with the City of Guelph on a new 10-year lease of our building, a testament to her dedication and leadership.

Ms. Zimmerman will be taking on a new role as Finance Manager with the Institute for Canadian Citizenship, where she will focus on digital transformation and supporting team-focused financial management processes, which have been among her many passions.

In her own words, Ms. Zimmerman expressed, “It is bittersweet to share with you the news that I am stepping down as Executive Director of the Guelph Youth Music Centre for a new adventure. We have achieved so much together in my time at the GYMC, and I am grateful and honored to have been a part of the next evolution and transformation of this beloved organization. Thank you for welcoming me into the community and trusting me to lead this amazing organization during a challenging time. I look forward to remaining connected to the GYMC as a parent and community member, and I am excited to see the continued growth and transformation of this valuable cultural institution in our city. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

The Board of Directors, with full confidence in the future, has formed a search committee and will be looking to fill the Executive Director position over the coming months. Retired Executive Director Gabriella Currie-Ziegler will return to serve as Interim Executive Director while the board completes its executive search.

The staff and Board of Directors extend our deepest gratitude to Ms. Zimmerman for her outstanding leadership, dedication, and commitment to the GYMC and arts in our community. We wish her the best and continued success in her career.